She Later took to blogging, She started her blog 'Linda Ikeji's Blog' around 2006 and she has struggled to keep her blog high among all bloggers in the coutry, as at the time she started there were very few blogs but as time goes on, comeptition came up and she strived to be the Number 1 blogger in nigeria.
Her Sister, Laura ikeji who is a Music performer,choreographer, celebrity fitness instructor., took to twitter to defend her sister after David peter, 'Da Suspekt' Wrote on Twitter 'Linda Ikeji, As U ve Decided To Destroy People's Lives With Ur Negative Stories, May Oloodua Visit Ur Case Soon. '
laura Ikeji Replied him ' N I hope its visits u and ur entire family first... U fucking retard! '
She Did not just Stop there, she went ahead and attacked Suspekt and wrote to him ' Did she write a story abt u dat aint true? Wats ur point? Abi all these na to gain more fflowers? Murderfucking nonentity ' <-----------------------
She later Went ahead and Wrote at her sister '@lindaikeji Is a gossip blogger, but makes 4/5million naira monthly!!! Yes being a gossip blogger is d best job ever!!! ' <-----------------------
She later posted 'How many of u calling her a gossip blogger can boast of making 1million monthly let alone 5million in one fucking month '
In an Interview Linda Ikeji had with OAP TOOLZ Of BeatFM Linda reveals she makes 600,000 Naira (approximately $3,800 according to the online currency conversion system) (per banner ad) a month on her blog. <----------------------- [She Has Up to Like 8 or more on her site, Do the Maths]
Now Ya'll See the reason why everyone wants to be a blogger in Nigeria nowadays?? you now whats in it, Better quickly visit www.blogger.com now and start your own blog! No Time o!
what do you guys think!!?, LOL, I know after reading my post some bloggers would vex and start charging people, LMAO, The fact is when you are big, you are big, Big Ups to Linda Ikeji for the work she's doing on her blog!! 5Million a Month!.. She's Worth it and More, 6Years Strong!! A fact For Sure is 'In the life of the average Nigerian Youth,Linda Ikeji's blog is more effective nd beneficial than Wikipedia'
Stay Updated, Follow @naijablogger on Twitter [www.twitter.com/naijablogger] Pin:296D0699
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